Like many youth and high school sports organizations, The Tahoma Lacrosse Club relies on parent volunteers to ensure the best experience for our lacrosse players. As a club, we encourage parents to get involved and volunteer in one or more ways throughout the fall, spring and off seasons.
- Become a board member. Each June, a new board is voted for by the members in the club. If you're interested in learning more about potential open positions, please reach out to secretary@tahomalax.org.
- Join our youth coaching staff. Most of our youth teams are coached by parents who are giving back to the program. It's not uncommon for beginner coaches to have little to no experience with the sport of lacrosse. That's ok - we still encourage you to join our team of coaches and learn alongside some of the best. If you're interested in coaching, please reach out to boysyouthlax@tahomalax.org (Youth Boys) or girlsyouthlax@tahomalax.org (Youth Girls) for more information.
- Be a Team Manager. To ensure the season runs smoothly, we ask for one parent from each team to become the Team Manager. The Team Manager is not required to be at all games/practices. This person is responsible for working with the program coordinator and being the day-to-day contact for their team - communicating practice/game times, announcing any field changes and being the overall liaison to the coach and club. This person also helps organize other parent volunteers for scorekeeping, field management and other game-day duties. This job is one of the best ways to learn more about our club and be more involved with the game. Reach out to your program coordinator if you're interested in being a Team Manager.
- Join a committee. If you're looking for other ways to get involved, email secretary@tahomalax.org and we'll find a committee for to join. We have a social media and fundraising committee, parents responsible for helping to grow the club and find ways to create team bonding experiences. If you have a skill set that could help our club, please reach out to us so we can find a spot for you to help serve.